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Stellate Ganglion Block

Treat head, neck, arm, and chest pain with a stellate ganglion block.

We know upper body pain can limit your range of motion and make you uncomfortable. A stellate ganglion block can help you reduce your pain and improve mobility.

What is a stellate ganglion block?

A stellate ganglion block is an injection of local anesthetic that blocks the nerves responsible for transmitting pain to the head, neck, upper arms, and upper chest.

What to Expect from a Stellate Ganglion Block

A stellate ganglion block is an outpatient procedure using local anesthetic, which your physician will inject with a needle in a minimally invasive procedure.

Patients can expect a reduction in pain and swelling in the parts of the body previously affected by these nerves. Relief usually lasts days or weeks, with longer pain reduction as injections are repeated.

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Ready to learn if a stellate ganglion block may work for you?

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